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Usability Testing


Road Map

UX Research



Caring Jags

A constructive habit builder against COVID-19 pandemic stress


Timeline : 4 months


Caring Jags is a concept app helping the IUPUI community in the followings -


  • 6-ft social distancing alert

  • Alert of positive cases from their visited places of last 14 days

  • Latest COVID-related local news and guidelines

  • Preference list of outgoing places with live hygiene ratings

  • Live one-way route map



The solution that provides the latest updates and lifts up people’s morale in the COVID-19 pandemic while tracing hygiene activities of the nearby places.

  • How to be always alert for social distancing?

  • How to know that public places have been taken precautionary steps of the pandemic?

  • Whom to ask about those places and is the source reliable?

  • How to avoid people during traveling?

  • Where to find the latest and reliable local updates?

  • Is there a way to tab daily outgoing activities in the pandemic? 

  • Reducing stress by providing the user with positive reinforcements regarding their daily activities and safety precautions followed this by helping social communities.​​​


  • Helping the user minimize crowd contact and other basic precautions using a decentralized Bluetooth algorithm is only possible with active social participation.​


  • Keeping track of the places that the user visits and providing information on the health regulations followed at that venue through social collaborations.



Interview about ongoing daily  judgments taken in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.



Brainstorming ideas over gathered user data and recommendations and making concept sketches accordingly.



Getting recommendations and user experiences of the concept sketches.



Designing final prototype using sophisticated digital tools.



Noting down vulnerabilities and potential improvements.

Road Map

51 yrs old, IUPUI Faculty


Social distancing,

Teaching online,

Virtual visits with friends and religious activities,

Wearing a mask when in the company of anyone other than those who live in my house


More information needs to be provided regarding what happens when those on campus do not wear a mask or wear it incorrectly.

Everyone needs to know the consequences of these actions. There need to be very explicit instructions about the consequences of not wearing a mask or social distancing when on campus.


40 yrs old, IUPUI Staff


I have been working remotely since mid-March, managing a program that is working with high school teachers and students using online tools.


I would like a bit more specificity on how we should manage staff/faculty office occupancy based upon hallway traffic, the density of people to office footprints, etc.

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22 yrs old, IUPUI Student


I am more obsessive about cleaning and keeping the environment around me clean.

It has been difficult for me to utilize resources from school like the library.

Taking precautions.

Googling hygiene guides etc has become a part of my life now.


Maybe delivering the guidelines to every student doorstep through IU mobile/web apps instead of long emails with guidelines. Schools can also have posters at main locations where people crowd so much.


Suitable Target Users

  • IUPUI Faculties

  • IUPUI Staff

  • IUPUI part-time/full-time volunteers


Age : 20 - 60

Status : Employee

Affiliation : IUPUI

1.Day Planner - Users can create events when they plan out their day. Events can be classified as work, dinner, meetings, etc. The user inputs the start and expected end times of the event and based on this, the live hygiene rated preference list is given15 minutes before travel time starts.


2.Preference List - When a user adds an event to the planner, a list showing nearby places is shown along with the health regulations being followed at that place. For eg, if the user is going out for dinner but doesn't have a specific restaurant in mind, the application suggests nearby restaurants in order of their health specifications like daily sanitization, digital payment, employee safety, and so on with customer reviews providing the reliance.


3.Case Alert - Alerts the user to a Covid-19 case being registered at a place that the user has visited in the last fifteen days. In case this feature comes into play, the user is given all emergency guidance to be followed in such cases as well as a list of contacts that they can use to alert others of their condition.


4.One-Way Passing (Travel Mode) Implemented in partnership with authorities to designate certain corridors as one way only, to ensure minimal contact between people. The passageways are updated live as they may be closed off for disinfection or maybe declared as containment zones. 


5.Bluetooth Social Distancing

(B mode) - When switched on, the application tracks nearby Bluetooth devices (other smartphones only) using RSSI distancing and alerts the user when another device is within the six feet mandate of social distancing. This feature comes into play when the user has reached their destination. For eg. you are at a grocery store and while at the store, you want to ensure you don't come into close contact with anyone. 


42 yrs old, IUPUI Faculty

In addition to the end-of-day summary, a live track of outgoing plans should be displayed so I can edit or update my daily plan.


28 yrs old, IUPUI Volunteer

The app doesn't provide the latest local IUPUI community updates like new guidelines and the latest Indianapolis local news related to the pandemic.


35 yrs old, IUPUI Staff

It does not show the one-way routes in the live map which makes the mode useless and it doesn’t show a count down.

Latest Covid-19 News

Usability Test

35 yrs old, IUPUI Staff

The 6-feet alert B mode should also have a white-list in which I can add my friends and families so the alert does not buzz when I am near them.

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28 yrs old, IUPUI Volunteer

The latest updates must be given from local authorities or IUPUI administration so there should be an authentic mark in each update release.


42 yrs old, IUPUI Faculty

For privacy concerns, there should be declarations of which type of data would be used during B Mode & Travel mode by the application.


Wanna catch up over coffee/tea

or whatever edible in veg? 😜

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